The Naga (which means "naked") form a Shiva Baba sect of ascetic warriors. Their existence is probably very old and, unlike other sadhu, they are vindictive, organized into seven akhara, that is to say, regiments and easily enter into conflict with the other sects. They even fought militarily against Muslims and against the British. They now often sport weapons rather symbolic, like swords, sticks, spears and especially the trident, a sign of Shiva.
As their name suggests, they often walk around without any clothing, as Digambara Jain monks, which are themselves non-violent. They are specialists in the mortification of their penis, often attaching heavy weights in order to sexualize, proven practice by Abbe Dubois, a leading Indologists. Their body is smeared with ashes from the fire burning day and night in honor of Shiva, or rather collected on the cremation grounds. Ash is what remains when a body is consumed: the ego is annihilated. This is how the naga baba sadhu proclaim their detachment from worldly affairs.